A Brighter Future
for Meridian


A Brighter Future
for Meridian


A Brighter Future
for Meridian


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Doug Taylor

Proven public servant, small business owner, local volunteer, husband, and father.

Doug’s family roots run deep in Idaho. A fourth generation Idahoan who grew up just outside of Idaho Falls, Doug learned from firsthand experience the value of hard work while lending a hand to help your neighbor. Doug’s parents owned a small janitorial supply business. At an early age Doug jumped in to help with the business, whether sweeping the warehouse floor or refinishing gym floors in the local high schools. Doug was active in scouting and high school sports and found time to earn his Eagle Scout rank.


Meridian is the greatest city to live, work, and raise a family in Idaho and I want to keep it that way for years to come. But our rapid growth has put Meridian at a crossroads.

We now face the choice of whether we are willing to fight to preserve the Meridian we all love or stand by and watch our city slide towards mediocrity with increasing crime rates, congested traffic, diminishing community values and fewer opportunities for our citizens to thrive. 

Meridian needs a clear vision of who we want to be, and where we want to go, as a community. We need leaders who will get us there. If we don’t, we run the risk of following the same failed footsteps of other cities whose rapid growth caused them to ignore their values and lose their identity.

I have a plan that will keep Meridian the premier city to live, work, and raise a family – a vision for A Brighter Future for Meridian.

  1. Ensuring we approach decisions with a long-term view of responsible growth while making smart investments in our infrastructure and public safety.
  2. Maintaining a fiscally conservative budget that cuts red-tape and makes the government more accountable and transparent to citizens.
  3. Standing up for traditional family values, protecting our children and building our community by serving others.

As your next Meridian City councilman, I will work with others to ensure Meridian is a safe and prosperous community for years to come.

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